Depth Psychotherapy
Welcome! I am glad you are here and it takes courage to take that first step to reach out for support, especially if you might be feeling depressed, anxious, or paralyzed with fear of how to move forward.
Sometimes, we may find ourselves in unexpected and challenging situations, abusive relationships or work environments, stuck in addictive patterns, or find ourselves stuck in self-sabotaging behavior. You might feel alienated, alone, or unable to open up to friends or family. Maybe, you are aware of what you need to do, but can't bring yourself to act. ​
Depth counseling, which is a form of therapy that allows repressed feelings to surface by exploring unconscious drives and motivations. Depth counseling can help bring us closer to healing by integrating past traumas, developing a greater awareness of the self, and aligning with our core values. I can help support you through difficult life transitions, healing trauma, improving self-esteem, understanding relationship issues, transforming negative thought patterns, and unblocking self-sabotage.​
Our traditional education often prepares us for learning how to follow directions, memorize and repeat, get a job, do what is expected of you, and fit into a particular mold. Some might succeed at following this formula, but feel a sense of emptiness. Others might think poorly of themselves simply because they feel that can’t fit themselves into that mold. It fails to address how to create a life worth living and how to find meaning through life's challenges.
Anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse issues, and other mental health symptoms can develop as a response to traumatic life experiences. I would be more than honored to walk with you on your healing journey, help you explore how past experiences may be holding you back, and move forward to create a more fulfilling and meaningful life. It is my passion to help you uncover your hidden gifts, unconscious motivations for certain choices and life decisions, self-sabotaging patterns, and help you access your deepest dreams, passion, inner wisdom, and creativity.

Counseling may be one of the most authentic, unrestricted forms of communication left in our culture. It is the one space where emotions are not only allowed, but encouraged. My aim is to create a therapeutic space where you feel completely free from external pressure and are able to fully let go and exhale. Therapy is a space where unknown parts of yourself can be allowed to surface and be integrated and accepted.
As a Jungian/Depth-oriented therapist, I am able to hold space for painful or rejected parts of yourself to be felt, consciously dealt with, loved, and accepted. Through this process, we can free ourselves from unconscious, repetitive patterns and experience greater presence, wholeness, and freedom of choice in our daily lives. I meet my clients where they are at and create a sacred space of safety and acceptance, from which real growth and change can occur. It is my aim to help my clients explore their problems and, in doing so, help them overcome obstacles and move towards realizing their true, authentic potential.